To Mail Your Donation
1. Download the Donation form.
2. Complete the form 3. Mail the form with your check to TEACH Rwanda 1787-C Chateau Place Easton, PA 18045-5473 USA OR TEACH Rwanda Post Box 91, Muhanga South Province, Rwanda Make checks payable to TEACH Rwanda. |
Other Opportunities to Donate
Sign Up for Charity Charge
Request Employer Donation Matches
- Apply for your World MasterCard, designate TEACH Rwanda, and 1% of all purchases are donated to TR.
- Set up your automatic deposit to TEACH Rwanda’s account at Embassy Bank for the Lehigh Valley.
Request Employer Donation Matches
- Ask your employer to match your donations to TEACH Rwanda. Double your impact!
- It’s easy! Our MoMo code is 502486.
Shop With iGive
Shop online with iGive. A percentage of your purchase goes to TEACH Rwanda. 1400 stores participate! Designate TEACH Rwanda as your charity—and every time you shop, a donation automatically comes to TEACH Rwanda. Fill your cart!
Give Generously
Who Benefits?
Rwandan children…especially those who live in Rwanda’s villages and rural areas. Many of these children have one item of tattered clothing to wear…have access to very little drinking water…eat one small meal a day so many of them are stunted from lack of nutrition…and do not attend school. High-quality schools are still rare. TEACH Rwanda helps young children get off to a good start in life by preparing teachers to work in modern schools that promote early, healthy development. Rwanda’s children have the potential to become doctors, educators, architects, and scientists.
Rwandan teachers…who are just beginning to understand why forcing children to memorize information has led to high drop-out rates and lives of poverty—and why joyfully learning through play in the early years is a lifetime gift for every young child. One teacher can change the lives of hundreds of children in a 40-year career.
Rwandan schools…that typically have no books, no learning materials, no outdoor play area, and often do not pay early childhood teachers. TEACH Rwanda schools implement international best practices with libraries, blocks, dolls, Rwandan natural resources such as mud and banana fiber, and child-size tables where children explore in small groups.
Donations to TEACH Rwanda are all tax deductible in the U.S., and qualify for tax reductions in Rwanda. Give generously today!
- Designate your donation as a gift—for birthdays, anniversaries, or in honor of someone special!
- Automatically deposit your monthly donation through your financial institution. Banks always remember.
- Skip that expensive cup of coffee one day a week, and donate the $5 you save to help pay school fees for a vulnerable child in Rwanda.
- Redirect your required minimum distribution of retirement funds to TEACH Rwanda. Our reserve fund will grow, giving us financial security, too.
- Include TEACH Rwanda in your estate planning. Rwandan teachers intend to be around for a long time, too!