Bright School Is IN…London!
Campaign to
Bright School’s new classrooms!
Bright School’s new classrooms!
We just completed a massive construction project to build a new two-story building with 8 modern classrooms—which our students named “London.” Together, we raised and borrowed (interest free!) $95,000 during the past year, which was used to excavate the scenic hillside plot, lay the foundation, and construct the new building. We are now in the process of furnishing our larger, brighter classrooms as well as our library and computer/robotics room.
Join our Fundraising Campaign to raise $7,000 more to complete the finishing touches so our widely acclaimed demonstration school can accommodate the growing requests for openings in an engaging, playful learning environment that truly respects children.
Here's what we need to complete our
London building
Your DONATION will furnish these Bright School classrooms, install accessibility ramps, and repay our loan—so we can continue to provide our students with an innovative learning environment that will help them develop entrepreneurship, self-esteem, leadership, collaboration, analytical thinking,
curiosity, and empathy.
curiosity, and empathy.
Whatever amount you DONATE today will help us reach our fundraising goal and
expand our social impact in Rwanda.
No contribution is too small!
We are passionate about creating a legacy that will
make the world a better place for all of us.
Support Our Mission Now!
expand our social impact in Rwanda.
No contribution is too small!
We are passionate about creating a legacy that will
make the world a better place for all of us.
Support Our Mission Now!
Why Do Teachers and Children Love
Bright School? |